Jumat, 02 Oktober 2020

Chasing dream and Living the dream

 Watching EmilyinParis in Netflix, really got inspired to apply for jobs in Paris. I just realized that ive never really think about living and settling down in Paris. Before watching this show, I always thought that the language will be the biggest barrier for me to get the job there. But then I realized, I
have a master

degree from great french univ,  A FREAKING MASTER DEGREE and the classes were delivered in French and I freaking nailed it. Incroyable!

Maybe the only barrier from reaching my dream is my own insecurities to speak the life that I want loudly and actually put efforts on to reach that.

I realized that this had happened before, when i thought I will never able to study in France, but my mom, with her persistence, has supported me to work and improve my candidature and applying for schools in France. Even though it takes longer for me to get the dream (yeah one year longer) but I finally got accepted and started my life in France in August 2015. 


This film got me so hyped and stimulated my brain to chase my dream for living abroad. Because I know, I fucking know that I get the capabilities and skills to compete in global markets. Yes, my french and german may be a bit rusty, but hellooooooo, I speak 4 freaking languages!! Oui, je sais que Je suis cool! mdr

It's freaking fantastic for an Asia girl!!

De toutes les façons, Will surely update about my journey here!

Thanks Emily for reminding me about my dream <3 

gros bisous!

Minggu, 26 April 2020

Ciao Tonight Show!

I was such a big fan of Tonight show for more than 5 years. This show had been my friend every time I felt homesick when I was in Toulouse. It may sound like a freak, but I felt less alone and less stress to deal with my problems there. It became my go to entertainment every time I was feeling down or beaten up with my situation I've faced.

I was such a fan, I even recommended this show to my family and friends. I even managed to hook my sister to the show through direct verbatim which I've memorized like a weirdo hahaha
Even, when my sister was in Indonesia, I and my brother accompanied her to watch the show live from the studio. Never in my wildest imagination I will become a penonton bukan bayaran

My sister, me and my brother as penonton bukan bayaran

But nothing last forever, all we have is what's between Hello and Goodbye,

So I finally have to say goodbye to this beloved show. After 7 years airing, the show has been finally ended. One of the reason I think was the rating. Even though they have tried to add more spice to it, by switching the schedule, adding more people, having more various game and inviting very insightful guest, it didnt do much (IMHO) to the rating. Many of the viewers were watching the show through their Youtube channel instead of Television. Even for me who claimed as the show big fan. Yes, I can binge watching the show for hours, but through the Youtube, not Television. This behavior didnt do much to their ratings and how the execs measure the show success. 

Even when one of the host told us to watch the last episode in Television, I watched it through Youtube again. After watching the last episode, I did some reflection, why I prefered Youtube over TV? what drove me to it?

Then I realized, in Youtube, I have kinda the sneak peak about the episode through the title. In this digital world where users expect to have the autonomy to choose the content and have limited concentration span due to instant gratification mentality, it's kinda too hard to watch the show day-by-day and wait patiently for around 1 hour to be surprised whether the show was gonna be fun. Youtube allows me to have this flexibility for choosing which part I want to consume and when.

In addition, one the part I love from Youtube is the comments column. There's something magical about this column in Youtube which cant be fulfilled by watching in TV. I cannot really describe why I love it, but it added more joy while consuming the show and made me reply some parts just to get their (the commentator) points LOL

On serious note, I think these points shows how important one must adopt to changes. With shifting user behavior, companies are expected to be flexible and fast to pivot their business model to survive. Especially during corona pandemic like now, company which will survive is one that agile enough to pivot and smart enough to get the qualities expected from the users and use it to their benefits. I believe that you dont have to make any mistakes to lose, you just have to be slower on innovating than your competitors which will kick you from the race, like what happened with NOKIA.

But regardless what happened, I would like to bid farewell to my favorite show. Thanks for accompanying me and filling my lonely nights with laughs and information.  I closes this heartfelt post with Vincent's word on the last episode

Bukan pertemuan yang ku sesali, tapi perpisahan yang ku tangisi. 

Til we meet again Tonight Show,


Minggu, 05 April 2020

Toulouse, Airbus, France

I just realize that I have never wrote anything about my time living in Toulouse, France. Well,given that I rarely write anything in blog since 2018, so I think now im going to tell you my experience living there as part of creating the writing habit I have tried to build during quarantine period.

I continued my education here in France and it's beyond my wildest dream to finally able to study in Toulouse. I always have this dream to visit France and interact with French people in French. I have never thought that dream will ever come true, even when I took a french course for more than 2 years. Therefore, when it's finally came true, I still needed to pinch myself.

Speaking about Toulouse, this city is the 4th biggest city and also the best city in France for student. It's full of young people which give more spice of this city dynamic.

In addition, AIRBUS has one of their headquarters here in this city. Therefore, there are many aerospace companies are also located in Toulouse. As a girl who was growing up in third world country and studied business, aerospace industry was a very foreign domain for me. It had been very difficult to imagine the way this industry works. I was very fortunate to have the chance to get the inside scoop about this industry and this particular company when I joined a competition from AIRBUS. I even got the chance to visit one of their factory, YES THEIR VERY OWN AIRPLANE FACTORY.  Yes, me, this business student who had never visited ANY KIND of factory, but got the opportunity to see a very big and complicated airplane factory. Im forever grateful with this experience.

I think my experience joining this competition needs to be written in separate post LOL

So if I may continue talking about my time in Toulouse, I believe I have learned more about developing myself as a person. I really learned about how to deal with ambiguity and manage my budget wisely. I learned the hard way about when I was in shitty situation, I have to think with my brain not with emotion. I really applied my mom motto which is "swipe your tears and think". Those words became my mantra to navigate during one of the hardest time in Toulouse. In addition, I've become more mature so that I can let go stuff that used to bother me as I know those are outside my control.

I think im not really succeful to explain any points about my time there HAHAHAHA

Maybe when I have more patience and willingness to revisit this and edit it then Im gonna share you more points



Jumat, 27 Maret 2020

Confinement and myself

Entering the 13th day of confinement, I was quite surprise with how well Im surviving in this situation. Comparing with other situation which required me to work from home (during the presidential result announcement in 2019), I think I waaaay much better to cope with the situation now.

I dont really know why, maybe because I know it's going to be a long period, or maybe I have successfully set-up my expectation about how long this period is going to last, or maybe simply I have become a mature adult who can separate between things that I can control and which are not.

I think to deal with the uncertainty, I channel my need to control the situation by treating all the things I've done as a project which has time and place to do it. Like the exercise. I plan carefully the exercise could be done through the resources I have. It also apply for other things during my personal time, I try to do some handy works like decorating my bedroom, printing some photos from vacation years ago or sewing my own clothes.

In addition to that, I do believe keeping the routines does help to cope with this situation. I try to exercise every morning and start my work at 10am till 7pm. I make a to do list in the morning which provides sense of achievement whenever I manage to finish the tasks. Although some of the time, it might take longer than that, but I think the experience of working as a freelancer some years ago, really does help me to be able working by myself or virtually while still respecting my personal time.

Maybe some of my advice could be relevant for you, maybe not.

But for me, there always be a rainbow after the rain.

Yes, I know the situation is difficult with all the uncertainty ahead of us, but at the same time, I am excited to see how this situation can shift (maybe) our generation. From working behavior to way we run our lives. I can not to wait to see how companies could evolve in this situation. I want to learn how agile those fancy executives can come with new business model that will be sustainable for the future.  I want to know how the artist and art societies will absorb and interpret this situation into their artifacts.

All in all, Im kind of proud with myself about how well I can thrive in this situation, how about you?


Senin, 16 Maret 2020

Corona, pemerintah dan warganya

Corona menjadi sebuah momok yang menghebohkan di beberapa bulan belakangan ini. Banyak orang yang sempat meragukan apakah negara Indonesia raya kita ini akan terkena dampaknya. Pada awalnya saya tidak begitu peduli dengan hal, hingga akhirnya saya melihat bagaimana hal ini dapat mengganggu kestabilan politik dan sosial sebuah negara, bahkan untuk negara-negara maju seperti Jerman dan Perancis.

Negara-negara yang sempat mengelu-elukan pentingnya globalisasi dan ingin membuat batas-batas negara menjadi semakin hilang, malah sibuk didesak oleh rakyatnya untuk menutup perbatasan. Bahkan ada beberapa negara yang memutuskan untuk mengunci dan meminta rakyatnya untuk berada di dalam rumah agar mencegah penyebaran penyakit ini. Banyak oknum-oknum di negara ini yang ingin meminta supaya negara kesayangan kita ini dikunci juga. Hal ini membuat saya bertanya "apakah mereka sudah memikirkan apa dampak dari kebijakan tersebut?"

Saya rasa tidak.

Dijaman orang-orang yang sudah darurat membaca, saya meragukan bahwa orang-orang mau mencari tahu lebih lanjut apa arti dari "lock down" ini dan bagaimana dampaknya kepada perekonomian di negara ini. Tidak usah jauh-jauh membayangkan tentang ekspor-impor, coba kamu pikirkan bagaimana nasib bapak gorengan atau ibu kantin kantor yang memang penghasilannya itu dari hari per hari, yang mana kalau mereka memang tidak jualan ya tidak bisa makan.

Saya disini bukan ingin membela pemerintah, tapi saya ingin mengatakan bahwa keputusan untuk ini tuh harus dipikirkan matang-matang yang memang tidak bisa sebentar, wong mau memutuskan fitur produk apa yang mau dibuat saja panjang prosesnya, karena menyangkut hajat hidup banyak orang gak cuma kamu doang cuk.

Apalagi ditambah dengan negara kita yang demokrasi nan uang paspasan, jangan samain dengan Cina yang sosialis  nan kayaraya. Apakah negara kita punya cukup dana untuk bisa lockdown sambil berusaha menjaga perekonomian ini stabil? wong mau menekan perusahaan untuk merumahkan karyawan saja sulit.

Jadi poin dari tulisan panjang ini apaan ya Sa?

Tidak ada, saya hanya mau mengutarakan perasaan saya saja karena baru hari pertama bekerja dari rumah saja saya sudah bosan. Tapi saya akan berusaha mematuhi himbauan dari pak Presiden untuk mengurangi pergi keluar rumah sebisa mungkin. Bukan karena saya warga negara yang baik atau karena orang tua saya sudah tua dan rawan terhadap penyakit. Tapi karena saya sadar, bahwa saat ini saya belum mampu membantu mencarikan solusi, jadi ya minimal saya jangan menjadi bagian dari masalahnya dan menambah tingkat stres dari rumah sakit di Indonesia yang (menurut saya) sudah cukup rapuh.

Saya berpikir bahwa kalau saya masih berkeliaran diluar hanya karena bosan atau malah berpikir ini adalah momen buat liburan, saya tidak berhak buat ikut mengomentari bagaimana pemerintah seharusnya bertindak karena itu menunjukan kalau saya sendiri tidak cukup dewasa dalam menjaga keselamatan diri dan keluarga saya. Karena pada akhirnya urusan keselamatan dan kesehatan adalah tanggung jawab saya pribadi, bukan negara.


Welkommen 2022 ❤❤

Hi there! its been a while since my last post here and finally it's gonna be my first post this year. How's life treating you so far...